A Farmer’s Market
Christmas Craft Sale

Vendor Application And Agreement

Sunday, December 5th, 10am to 4pm

    Please select the date of the event you will be attending.

    Select your booth size:

    Do you require:

    I agree to the terms and conditions stated below:

    Vendor Terms and Conditions

    1. For the application to be considered, the following must be included:

    2. Application sent in with all required fields completed.

    3. Like, share and join the event on the Edge Wood Decor Event FB page: Click Here

    4. Vendors will all receive one 8ft table and one chair at no extra cost. You may bring any additional staging items to promote your product so long as you stay within your 8x8ft space. No tents allowed as this is an indoor event. Vendors MUST bring their own table coverings. Table coverings must touch the floor. 

    5. 8x10ft sponsor spaces will receive two 8ft tables.

    6. Event is open to the public Saturday Nov. 6th at the Marconi Club of London, 120 Clarke Rd. from 9am to 6pm.

    7. Set up time is 7am (if the hall becomes available the evening of Friday Nov.5th, all vendors will be notified with the option to set up the night before). Booths must be up by 9am and may not be dismantled until 6pm. Vendors are invited to a cash bar at 6pm for the “Best Vendor Booth” award and presentation (voted on by the shoppers the day of the event. Vendors must have all items removed from the building by 8:30pm Nov. 6th.

    8. Upon acceptance of application, payment must be made in full, no refunds, by e-transfer to cindy.scholten007@gmail.com

    9. Hot lunch being offered on site by the Marconi Club of London. $12 lasagna lunch includes lasagna, roll, and salad.

    10. Vendors receive complimentary coffee/tea/muffins during setup.

    11. Vendors are responsible for leaving their area as they found it.

    12. We reserve the right to decline or remove any vendor booth.

    13. Vendor booths must be manned at all times. Volunteers will be on site to relieve vendors for breaks. 

    14. Vendors will be fully responsible for any loss or damage to his or her property by theft, fire or casualty. Edge Wood Decor disclaims any responsibility for the same. 

    15. Vendor spaces will be assigned. Placement, flow and competition will be taken into consideration to provide the best experience for market attendees. Spaces are reserved on a first come first served basis.

    16. Hydro is limited and only offered to a vendor with extreme needs. If you require hydro please submit an emailed description that best describes your needs to Cindy.scholten007@gmail.com

    17. Christmas music will be played throughout the space as well as Christmas decor. 

    18. Indemnification: Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each of Edge Wood Decor employees, representatives, invitees and volunteers from and against any loss, expense, claims, damages, causes of action, injuries, illness, death, suits to person or property, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or related to the operation and use of the “Farmer’s Market Christmas Craft Sale”.

    Vendor Agrees to the Terms and Conditions as stated above for “A Farmers’ Market Christmas Craft Sale”.